Barnabas Foundation Blog

Do I really need a will?

Q: Do I really need a will? A: Yes! Some people think they don’t need a will because they don’t have “enough” or because they assume everything will automatically go to their next of kin. However, when you don’t have a plan, your state will execute its plan for you – and this may not match up with your values and expectations...

While I’m Away

Whether they are five months old or 55 years old, it doesn’t seem to matter. We all worry about how our loved ones will function when we’re not around.

Save the Drama!

When the details of your will are read out loud, what will your loved ones say? Without a doubt, your family will discuss your priorities and intentions. The only question is whether you’ll be present to steer the conversation.

They Meant Well

We all know the hidden meaning behind this common pardon for others. “Well, you know… they meant well.” Translation: Their intentions were good, but their judgment was poor. Had they known better, they could have done much better.

Listening to Understand

Dan and Jan wanted an estate plan that would protect their family and support their favorite ministries.
Grandmother showing granddaughter corn in a row of corn

Generations of Generosity

I, like every parent, find myself very concerned for my children. Worrying about their financial condition continues, even after they reach adulthood.

Joyful Giving, Fully Living

It was as children that Bruce and Barb first learned the importance of giving back to the Lord. “It was always expected that we gave a certain percentage to the church,” Barb remembers. “That was modeled to both of us by our parents.”

I’m interested in giving real estate. Do I have to give it all, or can I give just a portion?

Q: I’m interested in giving real estate. Do I have to give it all, or can I give just a portion?